‘PRINTED’ logo designed by Micky Cranston
In January 2020 Aidan Saunders met Tom Whitehead and Jude Lau of the Printhaus and discussed the idea of a huge festival revolving around printmaking which could engage directly with the community, provide accessibility to traditional printmaking practices and affordable talks from industry professionals. Then due to an unexpected pandemic the idea was put on ice until the team reunited and teamed up with the Laura Ashley Foundation to deliver ‘PRINTED FESTIVAL’ a printmaking festival at the heart of Cardiff with Cardiff’s community at heart.
The festival took place on June 10th/11th 2023 and included:
free have-a-go activities, such as linocut printmaking, screenprinting t-shirts, natural dying, letterpress and rubber stamping.
Artist talks from YUK FUN and Richey Beckett.
A curated ‘Art in the Bar’ exhibition at Chapter. The work will showcase the results of a series of print workshops held with the local communities of Cardiff’s community hubs - South Riverside Community Development Centre, Grange Pavillion and Railway Gardens.
And of course a selection of the finest printmakers from around Wales and yonder exhibiting and selling their wares. ‘PRINTED FESTIVAL’ was a huge success and will return thanks to the Arts council in 2024.